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Anunnak 12-05-2003 07:57

Strategy Games
Hey all
Im looking for some new time consuming Strategy games... Currently Im playing Civ3. I understand Moo3(master of orion) to be an excellent game. For those of you who have played the game what can you tell me about it besides thats it the best thing since sliced bread.

Im a chess man as well Im not great nor do I suck if anyone would want to play me tell me which chess game you got and Ill be happy to play you.(Chess master series).
Here is a list of Strategy Games Ive played.

Steel Panthers I-III
Panzer General I&II
Civ Call to power I
Space Empires 4
Europe in Flames

I still have some of these games Ive misplaced some of these.

So basically tell me about Moo3
I thought Id list the games Ive played so this would look important.


Icewolf 12-05-2003 09:49

from everything i've heard - Moo3 sucks!
i played Moo1 and Moo2 and would have loved to play Moo3, but after reading about it, i won't even try it...

i can't give you links, 'cause i don't think you understand german, do you? *g*

cu starside

TeHaR 12-05-2003 12:32

Wel only play WarCraft III as RTS atm as i know :)

Def2K 12-05-2003 13:54

I've enjoyed playing Moo1 and 2 but I cant say I liked moo3. It is not that it is TO complicated, it is that it is complicated in the wrong way.

Lotsa clicking, digging through useless info before you finally get things done. You absolutely can't micro in this game so you'll have to adjust all sorts of auto-build settings/ strategies constantly to get your empire in the general direction you want.

The game absolutely didnt appeal to me. I heard people loved it but I wasnt one of them.

steam 12-05-2003 16:19

tried moo3 and gave up after a day or two, to many useless dialogues that contain little usefull information and a huge shitload of stuff you dont want or wouldnt expect to be there.

We can always play chess though.

Def2K 12-05-2003 16:22


Originally posted by steam

We can always play chess though.

I will beat you once more then :D

Watson 12-05-2003 16:47


Amiga style graphics :D

Def2K 12-05-2003 18:22

I still play that game :) Its cool, nice, hard, easy, everything :D

Vegeta 12-05-2003 20:29

Strategy games
Steel Panthers I-III
Very good of course. I suggest you to download Steel Panthers Worl at War. It's a giant mod for SP with all units of all country in the second world war.

Panzer General I&II
Panzer Panthers II is one of my favorite games. Very easy to play and really strategic. The campaign 'Defending the reich' is a good challenge.

Civ III is awesome, they improved some many things.
Well done 8-O !!! The multiplayers add on 'Play the World' increase the gameplay but i don't have it :no:

Civ Call to power I
Call to power is really a good game. They add many nice things, it was ma favorite Civ game until Civ 3 comes. I prefer btw like in Civ 3, limite game to units and buildings that really existed.

Space Empires 4
I have it not really played it a lot, lack of time. I have it on hard disk, several mates tell me it's a good game.

Europe in Flames
I know it from name, never played. I would be happy if you can help to test it.

Nice selection I must say :yes:

I will add my favorite strategy games :

- Europa Universalis and Europa 2 : The best historical strategy game ever. Read the manuel and the forum ! Everything is simulated.

- Heart of Iron : world war 2 wargame based upon highly modified Europa engine. I have it since a few days, not played it a lot yet (lack of time).

If you are a pure wargame fan, you can try operationnal art of war. I am still searching the 'Century of Warfare' edition wich integrate the world war campaigns.

I also love a lot the Rebellion Star Wars that is a good game, better when some units stats are ajusted with the RebEdit editor.
I know there is some Rebellion players in Legion.

I love also Close Combat 3, Master of Orion 2.

I will finish with my favorite game of the moment:

_ Kohan and Kohan Hariman's Gift Extension.
This game is an heroic-fantasy real time strategy game.
It's a mix between an rts and heroes of might and magic.

You can adjust time speed, your heroes lead your army, everything is classic but good. Interface is efficient.
A really good game !


Zhukov 12-05-2003 22:45

if someone wants HoI, send me a pm on these boards, and I can dcc it (if you got a descent conn).

I would be happy for Steel Panthers, anyone who can give it to me?

Anunnak 13-05-2003 01:19

I got steel panthers on CD so that can be a problem file size wise if I was to back it up with Nero... I may have it as a zipped file as well Id have check all my old cds which are now collecting dust.

When I have the chance Ill pm you about SP.

Thanks for everyones reply about Moo3

Zhukov 13-05-2003 15:24

I got a very nice connection, so size isnt a problem, as long as your connection can upload with descent speed.

(I can upload with more than 100kb a sec, dl with more than 300kb sec)

ramp 17-05-2003 23:37

Moo3 is very nice, I really like the macro management instead of increadable micro.

But there are a few annoying things init right now, but the people at QS are working hard on a patch, I can't wait as I actually bought the game ;p

The reviews were positively, then turned immencely negative which is a shame as the game is quite revolutionairy heh.
You can make it so you actually are the "prime minister" , head of state. Restricting yourself to decisions and planning macrowide, but correct things on a micro basis if needed.

Might be hard in the beginning, but when you have an empire running with well over 150 planets you'll embrace the macro-management features heh

Vimeous 18-05-2003 17:30

Now you may or not remember dear 'ole TiG. Well he and I have been LANNING a number of strategy games recently. Here's some notes:

Don't buy it. TiG returned his copy after less than a week. It looks great and plays well enough to start with. However the game is riddled with bugs. Visit the main MOO forums. I'm told there is a 100+ point rebuttle of bugs that make the game un-playable. Included is an item that means if you message the main race in game they won't answer you, until something like the 451st turn that is, when they reply to ALL your previous messages. And supposedly the AI will surround planets but not actually land ground troops to take the planet back!

We went back to PzGen2

Hearts Of Iron:
We like. Difficult to master the balance between economy, research and your war machine. Even when you have it sussed it can throuw the odd curve-ball. MUST have patch 1.04 to play LAN though or it will randomly crash out. Single player is otherwise fine although 1.04 adds to that too. See the HOI forums for more details I guess. Hearts of Iron

Hope that helps! About MOO, it has HUGE potential, once the bugs are fixed. (We've also tried Haegemonia but my machine wasn't up to it so we need to go back to it at some point. Looks gorgeous)

Zhukov 19-05-2003 00:35

HoI isnt really finished yet, even with patch 1.04. Its still has some major logicly flaws. But the idea is great, its a true strategy game.

ramp 19-05-2003 01:11

Yup, The moo bugs are a bitch as they become clear after a while.

However I can't wait for that patch which should be anywhere the comming weeks

Xerxes 19-05-2003 08:55


Originally posted by Watson

Amiga style graphics :D

Amiga rocks, I still have it :)

atolla 19-05-2003 10:41

Close Combat 5
Real time strategy where you take command of about 15 platoons per mission . Each platoon has it's different proposals .
For example you have machine guns , different model of tanks , snipers , flamethrowers , assault troops , engineers , scouts , cannons, mortars , and other vinicles. Action takes place in WWII , assault on Normandy . You have 2 sides to choose from with each side giving you different benifits.
This game is based on history, you will see different devisions come alive again ( 101 AB , CC Viking etc )
It is very realistic as well , each soldier has a psychological status , terrain plays a very big role in winning , as well as force morale and supplies . many many detais in short . My favorite game =)

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