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Tasali 06-03-2006 12:32

I apologize for not being around this past week... I picked up a nasty flu, and was bedridden for most of the week. I'm just recovering now, so I should be back in WoW soon, probably as soon as tonight. I missed a week out of my 2-week PM period... QQ.

Oh well, hope to go back to running with you guys tonight. :cool:

Icewolf 06-03-2006 13:10

Hope you are better again, had a nasty cold a few weeks ago too, being sick sucks :p
And at least it explains why I haven't seen you ingame at all yet. Hope to meet you soon.

cu starside

Empress 06-03-2006 18:02

Tas, dont worry about it..

Hope yer feeling alot better. I got hit with it as well.. tho not as bad as u apparently.

dont worry about yer 2 week app process.. if we need to we can tack on another week.

see ya in game and take care of yerself. :)

Valhalla 07-03-2006 14:15

No matter how sick people are they can just log in cause there's always someone sicker than you in Legion! :p

Imsdal 07-03-2006 15:31

Wth Val, I'm not sick - I'm just insane! weeeeeh!111

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