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monged out 26-01-2012 16:07

goodbye from mongedout
Im very sad to see how i have been treated by swtor legion command

back in eve days command was very friendly layed back and helpful

from day one on swtor i felt that command on this game was the compelte opposite

i was removed for being a ninja looter which i then asked when and they said on the world boss we had just done for taking something from the world boss for an alt, i asked why then was i removed over this and they said the rules are mains > guild bank > alts which there is no text saying this anywhere i also remember fro mthe previous world boss kill there being no looting rules and anyone who could use it was allowed to need

i was also told that i caused drama on eve which i then asked what which i was informed this was broguht up by maxinox and steam the only drama i remember from legion eve was when i was loaned a mining account during which my computer broke and i was unable to play the owner of the account forget the password and thought i had changed it when i got back from being away we sorted this problem out and i was given a public apology

after me explaining this sike then told me i have been spoken to by imsdal and quin about drama i caused on swtor i would like to know what drama this was as imsdal could not confirm anything so i asked him if he could send me an email with a list of my so called misdeeds

its now been half a week and no email has been recieved

it is a hugh shame but i feel i was removed just for the fact some of the command did not like me i know gaijin did not like me becuase even if he was in a public room and if i just said hello he would remove me from that room and put me somewhere else on vent for saying that command are all adults their behavior is very immature and im very saddened by their acts

yes i annoyed a few members by beign a very fast typer and getting alot of UT missons from the slicers early on thats why at my earliest convience i started crafting epics and handing them out for mandy irons so i could continue building them for other members sadly very few members had mandy irons to trade for the items so bob was very awesome and gave me some to cover the cost of what i had built so i could build some more i also took slicing on my alt so i could return the kindness by giving out missons to people and sending bob all of my ut missons

again i enjoyed my time with legion in eve online it was an awesome experience and i met some amazing people and same again on swtor i would liek to thank all who made me feel welcome its just a shame after being apart of this community for so long i was removed and feed a line of lies and fobbed off by sike then ignored by imsdal

also a little about me which might explain why they did not like me yes im very strange i suffer with clinical depression deperonalisation and a behavioral disorder my brain and mouth say 2 diffrent things so if i come across rude which im sure i never did and the one time that im aware of which was to fatang i apologised for and he was very willing to accept my apology again nice meeting some of you and i hope you all the best in the future

Cirno 26-01-2012 17:07

I'm sad to read this :(

Can we still pvp together?

Xenius 26-01-2012 17:10


Originally Posted by Cirno (Post 322621)
I'm sad to read this :(

Can we still pvp together?


Precursors 26-01-2012 17:54

One of the obvious problems of being a guild of so many people is that there are always dominant personalities, just as in social groups irl. I personally feel nobody is superior to another perse, but obviously keeping a group of people together will always have rules and social etiquettes in the virtual world.

I don't know both sides of the story and I can't quite put myself in your shoes atm, I dunno if I'd come across the situation you say you went through either. We're all mature adults and if things go the way they did we have nothing to do but move on. You have been an easy person to talk to in the short gametime we had and I feel sad to see anyone leave (or get kicked out). I value everyone in Legion no matter how much we've shared. I personally don't spend time with family ether so it's no exaggerration when I say Legion is my virtual family, cos it's always there for me to turn to even if I disappear for months (or even years). But these are only my thoughts. Sorry if I derailed the subject. Anyway, life goes on..

Imsdal 26-01-2012 18:47

Hey Mong. I'm sorry haven't mailed you yet, but having to deal with applicants, raids and trying to have some time for myself ingame isn't really that much fun.

Hoped that you would log in, so we could talk ingame, rather than writing an email with what "bad" things command had on you. Noone in command have had anything against you, no matter what you believe.

Hop on irc or poke me ingame, and we'll talk about it. I'll be online for the rest of the night.

monged out 26-01-2012 19:28

thanks guys i doubt ill be back on portnowhere i have moved to another us community i am apart of on another server as i didnt want to have to join random guilds where i know no one

Chocotoff 27-01-2012 19:59

Capital letters and punctuation - use it.

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