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milos 08-06-2004 00:40

Ok, here goes. My name is Milos, i'm from Belgrade, Serbia, 28yo. I work in an IT company along with stojke. Ingame char name is Ludi Kure, u might of seen me running around Neo-Rome :) . I've been playing SWG for about 5 months now, but on other server. Stojke and me started same day, since we bought the game together.I just got my first master, TKM and i decided to apply to join your ranks. I've got scout 4040 and novice medic, going for master rifleman too. Rest of points i didnt decide how to use, but not much of them left :).I just got my first imperial points so i'm really a n00b on this server.
As i said i work with stojke and we're rl mates so he told me all about Legion, which i still remember from days i played planetarion. He told me all the best things about u so i came here to see for myself. From the start i seen nothing else but friendship, good spirit and just plain fun, which made me start a whole new game here, and made me want to join you.
I know stojke will vouch for me :), i hope Shev will too, and i hope rest of u who met me thru this short period of time will not object and maybe even give me your vote.
I can't offer anything else except loyalty and activity. Hunts, raids, PvP and PvE r things i enjoy ( maybe not PvP since i lag worse then stojke :) ) so i hope to be part of them on every occasion i get.
My timezone is CEST

I hope my application didnt bore u too much, see u in Neo-Rome :)

stojke 08-06-2004 02:46

I know him for more than 4 years. We r working together and he is my rl m8.
He is active player and I’m sure that he will be good for legion.


Shev 08-06-2004 04:34

Known him for quite a while now, through various *ahem* browser based games. He's already around Rome and looking to get involved in things, so I'd definitely vouch for him.


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