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Fred 21-10-2006 15:09

History of Legion
Has this been done before? Is it something people would like to know??

I can fill in a few years with my view of events and then people can fill in the gaps.

What do you think?

icarus 21-10-2006 15:20


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 253047)
Has this been done before? Is it something people would like to know??

I can fill in a few years with my view of events and then people can fill in the gaps.

What do you think?

Someone has written down Legion's history on some website.. just can't remember where. There was a link on the boards a while back.

zyrtec 21-10-2006 16:13

Has lots of info about legion and about you fred!

Bodysnatch 21-10-2006 16:48

pawiki search query "Legion"

__Thor__ 21-10-2006 17:40

Our history in short:
We came, we kicked ass, we left

rokstar 21-10-2006 18:25

like veni vedi foetsie

(dutch joke)

DeEvil 21-10-2006 18:34

omg! this bring back soooo much memories its scary..
DrK_Assassin in ROCK was the one guy that i had most to do with..
i was in the alliance ROCK and now when i read about it.. wooo i need to close down my comp quik!

omg omg omg.. the memories that just this site brings up.. didnt know there was a site like this out.

after some arguing inside ROCKjunior ( for the new members ) i left and took some with me and started my own, allied with ACID and a alliance that was called LOST.. our main purpose was just to build large quantaties of ships to help the others.. oh how sneeky we awhere back then..

i remember one time when we set up a full scale attack against one of Legions gal´s.. it didnt end very good. me and a irl friend where the only ones not send any ships to aid in the battle, cause i was hooked on trying to become a Legionnaire and so was he...but we did defend when Legion counterattacked instead, wich resulted in major loss for us..

our little team was internally called assasins ( from the DrK_Assassin from ROCK ), we called ourselves angels of death. one guy in Elysium was also in a part of a friendly alliance called Keepers, think his name was Sun Tzu.. him and i usually talked all night on irc and sent music and stuff to eachother.. heh he sent me the entire book of Sun Tzu "Art of War" thrue dcc..

I asked him alot of Legion, and i was fkín obssessd by u guys.. hehe

so many names just flashing in my head.. Tyroka, taa ( think he was called theangryangel), therealmig etc etc...

hmm now i have drifted alot away from the topic.. sry, but i couldnt help it when u brought all this up =)

omg i need to go and clear my head with something strong..

glenfiddich i hear should be very good for your or something

Carpeia 21-10-2006 19:15

wheres dimes??? :(

Relifex 21-10-2006 22:49

Reading how we fucking buttraped bluetuba during round 2 gives me a fuzzy feeling. God I remember that saturday(?) TiG organised us to start from 12-X a clock, was the best time in my life (sad to say :P )

Emohawk 22-10-2006 11:11

We were not buttraped... merely gangbanged...


Fred 22-10-2006 12:36

I had a quick read of what I could find there and it seemed rather sterile. Did I miss something when looking there?

I think it even said Grendel was french...... I always thought he was from Belgium...... am I wrong?

Anyway for an alliance with so much history we deserve more. It is probably not a bad time for some of the moments that shaped things to be more common knowledge.

It would take some time and probably stir up some memories... some of which are probably messed up a little after 6 years but some only seem like yesterday.

I know of only a few things that perhaps were not known...... but the biggest keeper of secrets would be Biggdogg as he had a way of creating intrigue with Sid. Even some of our ex Fury friends could shed some light on our history... I bet Thug knows a few things that would be interesting to hear.

Gren probably doesnt want to stir up old memories but I did see Wilzz post on the PA forums recently and some of the early days would be good. I know from when Grendel and Decoy invited me in round 2 and I still remember the private room when we turned on Apok and WaC and formed from a wing to full alliance. Probably the worst part was it was just before "Bash a WaC" day and the incoming I had recalled because I wasnt WaC but Legion and so not worthy of being attacked. What a shame my theifs didnt do much as eonium was a problem those days and once I defended Grendel and then recalled when they recalled I had no fuel to do much more until the next day. Eonium was such a stupid concept and I had to trade with my gal mates all the time and usually lost out each time with their rates of trade.

I still remember talking to Rids teh first time and he had some tuba who wanted to attack me but recalled.

And what about Jonkas wing who wanted to kill us single handed. I remember talking to him later and he was always annoyed he never attacked us when he had the chance. Still Legion was the bold and the brave and so deserved to triumph. I think I remember being in the war council once with Sid and convinced him he should attack the odd galaxies and Legion the even ones as I had worked out the best gain was from the even ones. I had a notepad back then that had all the login times of the major galaxies and their planets (remember the asterix that was on for 2 hours after you timed out ;) and without the WaC bot knew what was best. i was pretty bored at the Motel so had plenty of time to do this. Being and Aussie was unusual then and every-one thought that any-one good had to be a Euro or American and so underestimated Aussies.

And what about one of the forgotten Aussie Legion HC ... The Unknown.... when he was hot he was just plain scary but he had a short fuse and lost it once to the wrong person. And there was the breakaways from Legion..... Titans, NoS (Dingo was Legion once wasnt he?) and a few others like my Wolfpack.

Most came back home at some stage... and of course there were the people that started in other alliances then came to the Legion Family.

Wilma is calling so I better go but is there enough about our history really around?

Axis_WLF 23-10-2006 04:09

Makes my head hurt.

darmok 23-10-2006 08:45

If you don't like the article, correct it. After all it's on a wiki.

Babbler 25-10-2006 14:58


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 253111)

I think it even said Grendel was french...... I always thought he was from Belgium...... am I wrong?

Yes, Gren is definately french and he knows it! :p

Tobler 25-10-2006 16:40

Yes gren is french, and he needs to be told he's french at lest 5 times a day. He loves being french !

Precursors 25-10-2006 17:27

I thought he was waloon (1 oz french, 1.5 oz vodka, 1.5 oz lichido liqueur, 1 oz midori liqueur, 1 oz orange juice, 1 oz cranberry juice (stirred, not shaken))

]x[ 31-10-2006 11:41

Gren is an idle pe0n !

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