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Old 21-05-2004, 19:27   #1
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Psychor is offline
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GW has some awesome content indeed. I got into WH40K when Rogue Trader was still kicking around, but a couple of years ago my playing (of the table top game) pretty much stopped after I got out of college. Just took too much time to collect, paint and actually play. I didn't really enjoy the painting aspect either.

I had a pretty big Space Wolf army and a decent sized Khorne army. I even wrote up a PC/Palm program for managing the lists, etc. ( 8)

While their table top games are awesome the computer games that have been based on them have completely sucked. I blame the development companies, but you would think GW would have nagged them a bit on the quality assurance side of things.

None the less I made myself play all the "GW" games, even back to the original Space Hulk for DOS. I have high hopes for this new one though as the developer is a good one, but we will see. What GW should do is make their table top game into a PC game and they would make a killing, especially with add on sales where they could add the races in expansion packs or something. The problem is I think they are scared if they do that more of the table top players will dissapear, which is very possible. :no:

Also, they are working on a Warhammer MMO in case you guys didn't know.
+ We have all been there.