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Old 08-02-2005, 20:45   #11
Cannibal Clown
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Originally posted by Gorm
I'm glad to be here. Even though i always reel at having to register myself anywhere. It's like an invitation to meeting freaks... or so the voices in my head say.

BTW, speaking of albanians, we actually had what passes for a gang war in my neighbourhood between the albanian gang (imaginatively named "Albanligan", which means "the albanian gang" and proves something about the quality of organized crime in Sweden) and a gang that actually didn't feel a bit ashamed att calling themselves OG (yes, for "Original Gangstas", I know it's as bloody sad as an Alliance midnight raid on Orgrimmar).

A guy was being shot at for looking like an albanian. Poor chap turned out to be greek, though he came out from the pub owned by one of the albanians. A video-store was "bombed" (They actually managed to crack one floor tile with that bomb, bunch of bloody klutzes) and someones Mercedes was put on fire.

It was a glorious summer... we all took our friends for bullet hole safaris and acted like we lived in "da hood".
Then the cops actually managed to clean up in the gang scene, the albanians sold the pub and a large respectable video store chain muscled in on the marked. (The original "bombed" store now is a resturant). Now we live in suburbia.

Ah, sorry I digress... but I'm bloody bored, I wish I had my WoW and I really should be writing an article right now. I am desperate to do something else.

... Damn my mother for borrowing my WC3 CD.
Yer mom plays WC3 ? My mom can hardly put the microwave on :)
"Vegetarian, an old Indian word for lousy hunter"