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Old 10-02-2005, 16:26   #34
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Gorm is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Posts: 7
Dammit, It seems the powers that be thinks I should be happy with getting into the beta and I might have to join you plebs in paying for my copy of WoW.
Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but since I won't be getting any pay from the university untill the end of march I won't be spending any of my meagre resources on WoW just yet. :(
I'll still suggest a server, (selfishly based on what my SWG-buddies chose) and then I'll join you as fast as I can. (Damn, I'm gonna be the li'll guy.)

I haven't given up hope on being a freeloading leech just yet though. I might still be sent a review copy, it's just that they haven't said any in response to my requests. Tom has a history of being nicer than Santa Claus though, so just cross your fingers for the shaman guys ;)
"A waste is a terrible thing to mind."