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Old 01-07-2005, 01:49   #6
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tpb is offline
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Posts: 22
I must agree with you all that the latest WoT books has been bad.
When I read the first chapters of book 10 I knew what would happen inn the last chapter and thats real anoying when you got ~500 pages to go thru to get there. :-/
The "interlude" book New Spring I enjoyed thou.
I hope its true WoT is going to be no more then a 12 book series. Means Jordan have to make book 11 good and that there's light inn the end of the tunnel ;-)

If I were to recomend some books it would be:
-Glen Cook's Black Company series.
Its 10 books which got an ending (So you dont have to wory about the author dying on you without finnishing the plot :)
-Robyn Hoob's 9 books also are good althou I only read book 1-3 and 7-9.
Book 4-6 afterall is another story even thou related.
-Goerge R.R. Martins tale ofcourse must be included and thats suposed to be a 6 books series so hopefully inn the not so distant future we will see the end
And the greatest of them all atm:
-Steven Erikson's A tale of the Malazan Book of the fallen series.
Its not finnished yet but the 5 books written so far are great, and book 3 Memories of Ice is the best Fantasy book I ever read!!

I also got a soft spot for the Dragon Lance series by Weis and Hickman and the books written by Raymond E. Feist
Both the series are about ~10 books loong and got an end ;-)

ps. if any of you out there havent read The Hobbit and LOTR yet youre not ready to enter the world of fantasy so go and read those first ;-)