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Old 24-10-2005, 04:56   #1
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Raccoon is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Norway
Posts: 465
8) I play on the european Stormscale server, horde ofc.

Used to have a 60 NE rogue on the same server wich got deleted, swedes tend to make the community rot quite fast >_<

Now grinding epic's with my guild Loot Factor, ironically named since Alliance on the same server claims horde is all epic no skill (PvP wise that is, bwahaha).

Currently pretty annoyed since all we tend to get down in MC is felheart or cenarion *sob*

Saybel, how are you doing? still most bang for the buck eh? lol ^^;

Soly, still keeping it strong tankwise? =) *im def specced, sucks to be MT, at least pvp wise*

Maxflier how's the agent doing? =)

Btw, I liked the old forum better, at least there I had access to the juicy private stuffs o.O

Cheers all, time to kick some ass in DoTA before i stroll off to bed again.
".. Do not judge what you cannot understand, son. You never walked in that mans shoes .." - Elvis Presley.