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Old 13-04-2006, 22:44   #11
Night of Fire
Bociwen is offline
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Originally Posted by Gravitas
This is a serious query.

I've been browsing for new Manno guilds and VtS is on my list, however, upon seeing the eagle symbol on your site, along with your official name of Legion (which has its SS connotations), I wanted to know if the guild or any of its members subscribe to what the Nazis stood for.

I realize this post, if my notion is untrue, will invariably be construed as insulting, and if it is untrue I can only offer my apology. I simply must know, however, if it at all occurred to you that this ( is very identifiable with the appearance of your guild symbol.

You know, this is gonna come off as extremely...something, but here it is:

Do you seriously fucking believe that this guild would even exist in the games it does if it supported this ideal?

Are you seriously that fucking dense? Since you are all into looking up history, go a little bit further with your in depth research and you will in fact realize that our motto is Latin, that the eagle was used in the Roman symbolism, and that Legion was their term for their armies. (as rids has pointed out)

I know this is a little difficult to see what with your blinding rightousness and all, but if you can take long enough to dredge up the few facts you have busted out to justify this display of ignorance, you can take a few minutes more to look at facts and realize you are wrong.

(and btw, based on my readings, no part of the German Army during hitlers rule was termed a legion, i may be wrong though)

Bugger off and have a nice day.
Sammiches, nuff said.