Thread: Old versus New
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Old 24-10-2006, 01:31   #11
Evil Grunt
Fred is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Armidale ffs
Posts: 37
Lo Grendel.... so I smell of fish.... Old or New Fish ???? just to keep the theme going ;)

I saw on another thread I made Axis's head hurt.... what am I doing to people these days :)

Round 4 was also crap for that salvage nonsense.... and wasnt that the round that piggy-backing was around. The DCs got it a little easier once every-one knew about it until till spinner stopped it... just after LDK sent all their farms to their number 1 planet for salvage.

Rnd 4 was also crap as I was WP then and Grendel had a horny time attacking my gal along with Randall and co...... just when you thought it was safe to attack something you got 10 zillion incoming from Legion and the buggers knew I was Aussie so there was no rest for the wicked (me) ;)

I also made friends with LDK around then and there were a few top guys from there who all had about 20 farm planets ;) I was also the Para thing then and my Para was excellent at defence and was were I met Ronnie for the first time. Damn fine DC and BC he was too :D I remember talking to LDK then and they had their HC in our Para who were supposed to win but we raped them a few times and some of them moved planets. TiG had a particular hatred of them and just kept attacking them even after we made a Para NAP with them.

Round 6 was probably the most soul destroying round for some as we had wave after wave after wave and I was a dumb Cath so every-one thought it was great to attack a Cath..... still managed top 20 planet then thanks to BDB and his amazing defence organisation :D Round 6 was certainly the round to be Terran and kill things.

Oh and hello Thalira.... its great that there are still threads that make such lovely people say hello now and then :)
Once Legion always Legion