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Old 25-07-2010, 11:27   #1
Idle Master
Willzzz is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Isle of Wight
Posts: 226
Im sure you have saw me post these threads many many times before over the last 2-3 years regarding returning back to the game which of course made all of this possible (ie the Legion community) Where we all stood proud, putting fear into any other player outside of this close community.

We walked away and of course swore never to return to this game. Over time we have branched out to many other games but, lets face it, no matter how we try to ignore/forget our past we will ALWAYS be linked back to that boring text based game which made us all what we are today.

Shortly Round 38 (yes you read that right round 38) will be taking place. At the moment round 37 has just ended and is in its havoc stage.. oh the old fun we used to have on those days leaving our tags and crashing into each other. Anyway here is a general anouncement of dates for Round 38:

I know last time we all grouped togther and played under a tag known as 'Jenova' it didnt go too well and myself well.. i did my usal vanishing act. But i have been asked to HC another alliance this round. More of a fun based alliance, where the tools are all open and everyone can step upto the plate and run Defence or Attacks as everything is open tools etc. Small tag to control the people recruited in (quality over quantity) And most importantly, i am writing this thread as i would like to see more ex Legion players within this community return, even if just for a summer fun round, and come play alongside me once more.

Legion will never return to this game, we have all faced that. But the spirit is still there, and i ask you all to come and join me in playing as a community within a different tag. For fun, why not? Give somthing back to the game which created us all.

Feel free to mail me on here or of course drop by and speak to me in #legion


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