zomagham swtor enlistment
Hi my name is Austin I am Jeffe's son. My ign is zomagham most people tend to call me zoma online in other games.
I am 18
i play some mmo's i try to only play the free online 1s i do play a lot of other games on console (ps3) and some computer games. I prefer to play shooter games or open world games battlefield 3 is my favorite shooter so far. Skyrim is my favorite open world game as of now. I enjoy a lot of random games like terraria or minecraft or l4d 1/2 deus ex HR just all around games. Playtime is whenever chores and homework are done and the internet works which is pretty much always :P
i am in my last year of high school and do not have much hobbies besides the occasional building of random things with what ever i can get my hands on
sponsors would be my dad jeffe and really thats it
look forward to playing with u all.