Originally Posted by Willzzz
More then happy to give it a go. Tbh although i understand why people are moaning about a text based web game, i think people fail to remmember thats what gave birth to Legion in the first place. So without this 'crap text based game' you wouldnt be here. Remmember that
Its because those text based web games are designed for people with ample time on their hands (students, I was a student during PA) who crave the constant fear that xx:59:59 will bring to their home ;)
We're all old farts now (mostly) who enjoy our unbroken sleep, instead of being woken at 3/4am or organise defence for hours on end for a few measly html asteroids.
It may have been our past, and like an ex girlfriend/boyfriend they should remain in the past to ponder on those good or bad memories.