:D oh man, i did really get excited when we ( me n´my PA-gal ) attacked a gal. Just to see just 15 minutes later when the game ticked you had like 100-500k ship´s counter attack..
Oh holy shite i hated to find out the gal we attacked was Legion..
hehe, my entire gal hated Legion:=), i could almost feel the joy of being honored to be attacked by it :)
Our gal was smashed to smitherins... :=)
Legion it seems has as far as i know always been hated and loved at the same time... depends on what side you are on the fence..
1k members+ thats nice...
Congratulations all Legionaries for being such a god damn good comunity
”Nemo enim fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit”
"Silent leges inter arma"