Thread: SWG vs WOW
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Old 19-01-2004, 13:15   #1
just slow
Tiddy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Alabama, USA
Posts: 647
Originally posted by Spitterman
WoW is designed with one thing in mind

the developers have said while building the game thats what they keep asking themselves, and if its not fun they make it so;p
Errr, every dev from every game EVER made has said that crap. They are trying to sell their product, ofcourse they are going to say shit we wanna hear. If devs always told the truth then ShadowBane would be the best game of ALL TIME, but its not.

I'll take a wait and see on this game as with most games made these days, simply because most MMORPG's have sucked as of late. Anyways, the game could be good, even great, but I dont think I'd put much into what the dev team says.