Thread: - Lineage II -
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Old 10-03-2004, 09:21   #2
1st Rate Peon
Tanis is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
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Pretty much the same as UO... except when you became uber red you could only ressurect yourself from dead at EBUL shrines and everytime you died you suffered a small stat loss which was easy enuff to regain but it meant that ppl couldnt spend their entire lives pking and had to have some downtime smashing monsters between to give the little people a rest.

I used to enjoy immensley breaking into ppls houses in uo with a friend and murdering ppl when they logged in... then stealing all their stuff while they ran around in ghost form going OOOooOoOooo OO OooooooOOoOoOo at us. Then rezzing them and laughing as the air turned blue with insults.

Hey if your gonna play a game where pvpis on all the time and its possible to burgle peoples houses you really should chill out a bit when it happens hehe.
