Thread: D&D online
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Old 04-04-2006, 15:56   #3
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Sieko is offline
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Location: Newmarket, Ontario
Posts: 3
Relifex is right about needing a group, but might be forgetting that you never did much (if any) soloing in pen and paper, either. Regardless of what I've been told by a few people, I'm having a good time with it even with my limited playing time due to school. I have so far got a rogue up to level 7 and just got enough skill points in tumble to do backflips.

Sure, there's things that make the game much different than sitting down, such as not being able to pickpocket, mounted combat, multi-classing seems to have no negatives associated with it, and there's no druids, but the game itself is actually challenging and takes strategies unlike other games I've played.