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Old 09-12-2005, 17:34   #3
Want to touch my lightsaber?
Maddix is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: England
Posts: 2,168
The game has undergone a large number of changes recently, as has VtS in-game. The majority of us have merged with another guild called IHC, thus this section of the forums is not really being used anymore.

At present I would describe the new system that has been implemented as "fun but not finished". The combat system is radially different, but makes the combat faster and in my opinion, more fun. However the rest of the game has not been balanced and leveling will remain difficult until all quests are made with XP rewards.

At the moment the only quests from which to gain viable XP to level at the top end of the game are from the expansion Trials of Obi-Wan on Mustafar. When this gets 'fixed' no-one knows at the current time.

My best recommendation would be for you to try the new changes without getting the expansion packs. If you don't like them you will only have paid for a months subscription, and if you do decide to stick around at this point I would strongly advise getting them.


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