Thread: Old versus New
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Old 17-10-2006, 12:48   #13
Evil Grunt
Fred is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Armidale ffs
Posts: 37
Hello Zak,

Yes we have broadband but my kids dominate the computer these days. Good to see so many people say hello and that they hadnt forgotten me during my absence.

Its not a thread to get people back to PA....... I am well and truly over that even if it still holds memories.

I guess the reason why I started a thread like this was to see what direction Legion had gone since I was away and also what the general members were like now.

I have great pride in what I did and made some great friends. The game I play is irrelevant as once I start something I have a problem stopping it until I feel I have mastered it... much like most Legion members were like. Best of the best and some of our "enemies" were much the same.

The lack of replies from the newer members is frustrating as I would like to know how they think and work. So just pander my oddness and continue who would be best..... and Maddix you of course were one of the best. so tell me who you would appoint as BCs... or squadroin leaders or whatever they are called these days. Surely attacks are planned and not just some huge number of people randomly killing bosses. The post on the front of the Portal showed they planned what they did collecting herbs etc...... just like we use to plan battles.... well maybe not collecting herbs

Now just one more thing... I liked using my imagination when I laid waste to a planet rather than seeing some fancy graphics. The censors wouldnt allow any-one to put on a server the destruction I caused ;) The battle cries of pilots as they went into battle against all common sense also was fun... so who needs 3D :D
Once Legion always Legion