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Old 22-09-2004, 17:19   #1
Registered User
WeniX is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Norway
Posts: 14

About me:
Name: Sondre Schjerpen
Grender: Male
Birth: 10.03.1986 (dd/mm/yyyy) Age: 18
Country: Norway – Timezone: GMT +1

Most of my time I spend going to school, working, playing computer games and once a week driking beer with friends.

Gaming career:
I've always been a game-addict since I first played Command & Conquer on my pentium 100mhz back when I was about 9 years old. I've played a whole lotta games since then. The games I've played most is: Starcraft(broodwar), Planetarion, Counter-strike and Warcraft III(The Frozen throne) - in chronological order.

In played planetrion r2, r3 and r4 - Fury member. In r4 I played in same galaxy as Sigrid and Radium. My nickname back then was Capone. Now I use WeniX. My best rank was 64th on the planet ranking end round 3.

Me in starwars galaxies:
A evening about two months ago I met Radium occasionaly on an irc server. He told me about SWG and I decided to try the game. Did two trail periods, got addicted and then bought the game. While playing my second trail period I started a charcter at the eclipse server. Radium showed me neo rome and introduced me to some of the citys members. I got supprised by how kind and helpfull everyone was, not used to that from earlier game exsperiences. I used most of my time hunting with legion members and got to know a few of you.

I’ll now continue on the same character, its name is: WeniX Schjerpen.
In 14 days of trail I only made it halfway to master swordsman and almost mastered the medic and the artisan professions. I guess Im not a very valuable payer since my character is no good at the moment, but I believe I will be helpfull after some months of playing, and from my level of adictiveness for SWG i can garantee you that I will be active!

Hope to be hunting with yall soon :D
aka. Capone