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Old 08-05-2007, 10:03   #46
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Enyeez is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Ireland
Posts: 375
at work, erinys and myself keep singing bits of songs to make the other end up humming it or worse.

here are a few examples.

Ring of fire (the trumpet bit - gets me everytime)
PAPPA!!! (Will Ferrel sketch where he is Robert Goulet)
Who let the dogs out (just the chorus - he falls into that trap everytime)
oh, and that Limbo song, theme.. thing.
the list goes on, we have quite a few.. and it's so funny getting him to humm one of the above.
1: Collect Underpants.
2: ?
3: Profit!

Last edited by Enyeez; 08-05-2007 at 13:47.