Sort of silly that I didn't look up who the Prez & Generals are. Hopefully Someone can get ahold of one of em to promote bunch of SC's or the Prez to demote/promote a general or 4.
Stekker, President, 75 Soldier
Famyn, General, 44 Trader
Pepsifiend, General, 102 MP
Ripley08, General, 106 Soldier
Woowo, General, 60 Doc
Trelfie, General, 38 Agent
Smeldrys, General, 60 MA
Solyhhit, General, 15 Enf
Kianadal, General, 81 Enf
Nogusvelo, General, 131 Doc
Nukesyoo, General, 80 NT
Infineon, General, 82 NT
This was taken off AO's site, so hopefully it's correct. Anyone see somone they know, plz pass this along, thanks.
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