hehe "Burger King, where all Dragonmasters eat!"
"now the star wars nerd and the Lord of the Dorks nerd will fight it out for the title of *The Uber Dork*"
lol Loved it.
Sic Infit, Solve Lora Infernis
AO - Leviathonss - 200 Enforcer / SWG - Manticore - Master Sharpshooter - Creature Handler / EVE - Lagiur Gonory - Amarr Capital Ship Pilot / WoW - Arcturus/Leo/Muhnthax/Teremlox/Kurgan etc / Aion - Dreadnaught 50 Templar - Fureon 50 Chanter on Nezekan / Global Agenda - FuriousAbyss 50 Assault / SC2 - Fureon - Terran / SWTOR - Titan 50 Powertech Tank - Conqueror / GW2 - Furious Abyss 80 Elementalist