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a stroll along Memory Lane
Old 09-11-2014, 15:14   #7
/me fluffles BiggDogg
sigrid is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 455
a stroll along Memory Lane

Like almost all old Legion Members I have a LOT of memories in PA. Underneath the pages full of numbers-in-database lies a big social network, both addicting and devastating. Without going into details I can honestly say my life would not be the same if had not once played PA and joined Legion.

Coming back to the game I left to play with Legion elsewhere was a weird experience. First of all getting back on IRC was a mission, since I am on a Mac. We found #legion and woke up Assassin. Joining his alliance I bumped into quite a few players who seem to have been there all these rounds and joining an alliance channel almost felt like coming home after all these years. Before i knew it I was calling ppl nerds and fluffled [fury]Kafka. As if I had never left.

As you start the round slow and in protection, there is a lot of chitchat and little action. Plenty of time to talk with players who have been around a while, and whilst doing so, the memories come back and the stories get better and better. Carpeia joined in, eventually even Rampage gets a planet, I see masterjw, Vegeta, Sebace in my alliance and in the legion channel all of a sudden also old legionnaires who play in other alliances idle along or spam. Stojke, Fiery, Sad, Ska8z, Montie, ]x[ and some more showed up, even tho some play for 'the enemy'.

So we slap each other around, spam and try to get each others roids. Its actually a lot of fun. Rampage digs up his stone-age files and what a treasure-chest that is. Banners, overviews, battle-reports and hilarious irc-logs. Every file I opened made me grin or smile , apart from the dancing Rumad in thong, that actually just still scared me:P alf provided the battlereports of the Battles at Jeh and Isch, Kafka somewhere found the old Fury rules round 3.
On my computer I found an old folder with PA related items and pictures. I once actually photoshopped a legion-tattoo on my arm! Oh the young and vain:) If only we could go there again.
I think a small group of old-school players drove the rest crazy that first week with stories from way-back-when. We remembered rounds where there would be 1 tick in 4 hours, and then 4 ticks in one hour. With legionplayers complaining and a 24 hr rollback as a result. We remembered all those names, looking at the rankings of old rounds. Singularity, Kejome, Game, Nodrog, Videer...they have all been discussed. Closing down Killmark for multying (?) was a thing many remembered vividly.. Also some current players were once fighting 'us' in the old days days and do not seem to share the same beautifull glorious memories. Unbelievable!
I hope the p3nguins didn't think we felt it was all better then. It’s better now, game wise, but talking about the old rounds makes you melancholic and I believe memories get sweeter over time. Which reminds me I would like to apologize to at least half of legion for being such a terrible bitch at times. And to forgive me for the sorrow I caused some of you. Think back with a smile. I do aswell.

Talking about flashbacks...
A few days in the game, i’m idling in my gal-channel and Forest pops in. Now I was basically Idling in that channel to recover from the shock to find out Assassin is in fact Willzzz and has been fooling everybody for a long long time. But thats another story for next episode.
So when a person called forest starts to talk to me it made me laugh. Yet another multiple personality of Willzzz? Then he starts talking in PM stating:.. ITS REALLY ME…. Yeah sure forest , hahaha. So i ask him a few questions and he gives me information really only [RB]forest would know. And he could describe into detail every embarrassing picture ever taken of him at several meets. Wich all involved alcohol and penisses if i recall correctly. I had no choice but to believe him. However, before i could say, Hi forest long time, how are you... he starts lecturing me about how I am yet again in the wrong alliance with legion ppl who always want to destroy the enemy from the start and how utterly unfair the game is when we do that and make a block against his alliance, and how we should all feel sorry for him etc. etc. Now THATS when i knew it was really him. Some things just never change!

Basically these last two weeks have been a walk back in time. I feared it a bit, not knowing what to expect of this game that meant so much to me once. But what a nice walk it has been so far. Apart from Idler trying to roid me several times (without success I’d like to add, one crashed attack fleet and 0 roids muhahahaha) I must say all the encounters with the past turned out to be nice, friendly and respectful. We all grew up to be somewhat behaving adults, and it seems many of us have kids walking around or a job consuming most of our time.

I am gonna wander off a bit more into the game and mingle among the nerds and geeks. Hell, I may even make new friends. Im planning to end top 10 this round. Top 10 of having most fun that is.

/me fluffles the universe

todays quote:
18:53 sigrid join #legion
18:54 sigrid fs
19:01 sigrid that was not an invitation
19:01 sigrid i forgot to do the /
19:01 sigrid gide

to be continued

Last edited by sigrid; 12-11-2014 at 23:32.

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