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Planetarion chitchat Old times, and new ones

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Old 14-11-2014, 22:09   #1
/me fluffles BiggDogg
sigrid is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 455

And now for the most important part of my PA diary. The Alliance.
Where to start...so much to tell and there is new stuff daily I could write about.
As I said, I joined P3nguins. Thats because Assassin (who later turned out to be Willzzz) idles in #legion and took me in after a thorough interrogation:

Assassin: planning to be active?
sigrid: yeah guess so
Assassin: ok then

Well, that was easy. I am in. Alliances are totally integrated in the game now. Which first of all means they have a membercap of 60. No more then 60 ppl in an alliance. It does make the alliance ranking fair. If you win Alliance ranking, you are truly the best...and not the biggest. The game has amazing ingame tools now, up to the degree where you can see of every member of your alliance which ships he or she has home and how many free fleetslots they have. You specify what you need (anti-frigate) and what eta it should make (7) and you get a list of all available ships and players. The hardest part is getting hold of the player and make them actually send them. But there is TG (telegram) and SMS. There is an overview of all incoming hostiles and friendlies in the whole alliance...and you can add and adjust the bcalc on the battle so everybody can see if its needed to send more def or if its covered, and how. Really good system. There is many more features to oh-and-ah about. You better check it out yourself.

An alliance is a must, when playing PA. I can't imagine not being in one.
P3nguins was founded by Willzzz , M0rph3us, mPulse and Munkee. I don't know if it always has been the way it is now but P3nguins is quite a democracy. Almost every decision is made by ‘props’ which every member can vote on. Not all have equal vote, you collect points to vote from other players, usually for doing something nice. Its a very open alliance also.
Members have acces to all tools and are more or less expected to sort their own defence. Which should be a lot easier these days but I find it very hard. I know I spam a lot and chat easily but I truly hate asking or shouting for defence. Looking at how defence is arranged its clear to me I better stay away from that.

It took me ages to find out how the Bcalc worked as I kept trying to paste fleets in there. It turned out i just could use the ‘add my stuff’ button but since i was not actually logged in the game I never had that option. I am sure ppl thought I was a complete idiot for asking so much in the beginning also. At some point I didn't dare ask more stuff. All the things that are so obvious for all the people were totally new to me. The worst thing was somebody asking me to BC some incoming. And not even in PM but in public. Not really giving me an option to say no. Oh the horror. After struggling for half an hour I came to the conclusion that even if all available fleets would be send to def it still would not be covered. I don’t know if he enjoyed making me look like a fool or he actually wanted me to learn. It must have been a lot of fun watching it tho. And i can undertand they want all members to be capable to DC. But the result is I never tried again and have not asked for any def since. Thank god im not the only one screwing up tho.

07:29 p3negram @sms carpeia cerberus to 7 3 1 eta 9 please - (baasb) via tg
07:29 munkee .intel 7:3:1
07:29 munkee .tg baasb 7:3:1 aint even our ally...
07:29 munkee idiots
07:30 p3negram baasb - Ow shit
07:30 *** Filth joined #p3nguins
07:30 p3negram baasb - 3 7 1?
07:30 munkee fucking tits
07:30 munkee w/e im off

I am however not in the alliance for defence, but mainly for attacks and the social aspect. The social aspect is quite ok and the attacks are good!
They are organised daily and in an excellent way. Always decent targets, when full we just add a wave, and everybody seems to launch and land. When last wave is eta 5 or less JGP scans are uploaded on the website, you check and land or pull…….soooo simple.

Team up.
After asking a week for a team up (ziks needs cathaar) in the main channel I was hooked up with Loynis, from Romania. Incredible patient guy who helped me big time. He is a member of Bazza’s Battlegroup and after a while I was invited. So I am now attacking with the oldies Bazza and Uthor and M0, loynis, Flyflax, chimpie, winY and Howzat. Its quite fun, a relaxed group of people who dont worry if something doesn't go as planned. Its also handy somebody picks you a target if you are not there and v.v.. I think apart from the screw up in above post Loynis and I team very well and land most attacks.

The alliance does incredibly well. Altho there is a decent amount of nagging going on (what’s new, guilty also, I admit, I’m female after all) it's really a good alliance. Some players may not see that anymore. If you are in there a long time you take it all for granted maybe. But we are ranked #1 now, halfway, with several players in top 10 and good galaxies and a lot of active players. What more can you wish for….?

I am amazed by the amount of time some members spend in this game for the good of the alliance. All those attacks, Dogg and Bazza arrange, the endless politics munkee has to deal with, sharing it openly with us all btw...no such thing as "Kim-Il-Sid" here. The effort it took munkee to make TG work so well in in combination with IRC, the adding of intel. Its just a lot of hard work and I can barely believe some actually have a life still....my respect for that.

A small group of players chose to play the beginning of the round out-of-tag. They attacked with 3 fleets and grew bigger than average. After a while they were added to tag. And the score went up. I sense a bit of friction since they returned.

There is usually 2 groups of players: the social kind of player, chatty, willing to give up an attack to send defence and always last with targetpicking because they were discussing the latest episode of “Strictly come dancing”.
Then on the other side, the EGO’s. Ruthlessly roiding enemy planets in P3nguingalaxys who play for galaxy-win and constantly comparing penis size….errrrr, planet size, sorry, while claiming to be the one and only reason we are ranking #1 now.

yes, i am exaggerating!!

Well, obviously without them we would not be #1 but then again, they wouldn’t be ranking at all without an alliance and the rest of the alliance is still responsible for 80% of the score. So the possible future win is a mutual win. One can never win without the other. Ever. And they are all good guys, on both sides. I can even understand why they play like that in this round. I am very tempted to also just 3 fleet attack. It causes very interesting discussions in the channel with some emo but in a good way and with respect still. I LIKE IT. So stay tuned. More to come!

Looking at it as a n00b I am having a very good time still. Its really a very nice group of people and I do feel I fit in, despite the fact I spam WAAAAYYYY too much for some. I’m however quite upset Rampage overtook me in roids in no time...

to be continued...

quote of the day:
13:53 d|na I only call people stupid when they don't listen to what I say, as I'm practically always right

Last edited by sigrid; 18-11-2014 at 13:06.

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