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Old 29-01-2003, 14:11   #73
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lol lanta u should post the msg u did when sid and his pack of hairstylists backstabbed us late round 3.. u where such a kitten to me then.. :)

funny to see how engaged i was in the whole situation.. :P ah well i was even more young and naiv then than i am now hehe..

i was right tho :P that bold fecker was up to no good

hmm Poppa msgd me the other day as well but i was afk :( hope he comes back.. not talked with him for ages either
[ 19:33:27 ] [ @sigrid ] i am horny fs

Old 30-01-2003, 10:30   #74
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nice to see such a talented player come back :)

[note: u dont know me and im not legion :p]

Old 30-01-2003, 11:22   #75
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lo Lantador

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Old 30-01-2003, 16:11   #76
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lo dude, you don't know me and i don't know you, just saying hellow :D

/me wished he could go back in time and join legeion r2 0r 3ish :(
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Old 30-01-2003, 17:14   #77
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Originally posted by ]x[
/me wished he could go back in time and join legeion r2 0r 3ish :(
me too;(

ello Lantador

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Old 30-01-2003, 17:43   #78
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Originally posted by ]x[

/me wished he could go back in time and join legeion r2 0r 3ish :(
Those were the days :)

Old 30-01-2003, 23:10   #79
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oh well, Watson, I had semi-nightmares in r3.. :)

Old 30-01-2003, 23:59   #80
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nice to c some of the old guys here ;)
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Old 31-01-2003, 09:12   #81
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Originally posted by Watson
Those were the days :)
i enjoyed r3 the most

r2 was kinda alliance shifting for me
TE -> WaC -> CpV -> Vts
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Old 31-01-2003, 10:36   #82
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I like round 3 and 4

In the north, in the south, east and west! The legendary three Ninja's white haired Chick-Summoning Child!
The handsome man that can silence a crying child!
That's me! Ninja-Sama!

Old 31-01-2003, 13:27   #83
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Originally posted by Zhukov
oh well, Watson, I had semi-nightmares in r3.. :)

I just had a Semi.....

Old 31-01-2003, 17:20   #84
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Some of the people who have posted on this thread must have cobwebs on them they have been around that long!

Even Game makes an appearance on them old irc logs heh.

Old 31-01-2003, 20:30   #85
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we are all ready to go to the retirment homes :)

Old 31-01-2003, 20:32   #86
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Wish I still had me old logs

I have some class ones from #tubatv

Old 02-02-2003, 02:50   #87
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Originally posted by Watson
Wish I still had me old logs

I have some class ones from #tubatv
[23:32] *** Retrieving #funnytv info...
[23:32] *** [AIM]Chance changes topic to '(#vcdc) topic- 'This is the most private channel ever, if you have been asked in here it must be important! | Please dont ever give away the location of this c'
[23:32] (@[AIM]Chance): AIM-Blade) can u rephrase that so I can understand it ?
[23:32] (@[AIM]Chance): GavGull) yer i agree about rb, but we should start at the largest alliance, cause surely legion will help rb?
[23:33] (@[AIM]Chance): DarkJedi|BT) dunno
[23:33] (@[AIM]Chance): DarkJedi|BT) LEgion and Fury are the strongest link
[23:34] (@[AIM]Chance): DarkJedi|BT) they work together on everyday attacks
[23:34] (@[AIM]Chance): DarkJedi|BT) so its easier when shit like this happens
[23:34] *** Joins: Ming (Ming@
[23:34] (@[AIM]Chance): DarkJedi|BT) I have it on good authority that every HC has at least 1 fury/vts spy in it of all the alliances that are presnet tonight...
[23:35] *** [AIM]Chance sets mode: +o Ming
[23:35] *** Joins: TiG^ (Dagnabbit@
[23:35] *** [AIM]Chance sets mode: +o TiG^
[23:35] (@[AIM]Chance): DarkJedi|BT) i heard this from a reliable VTS /ex tuba member
[23:35] *** Joins: [Fury]Syn_Sid (jwoodall@ppp-1-124.cvx4.telinco.net)
[23:35] *** [AIM]Chance sets mode: +o [Fury]Syn_Sid
[23:35] (@[AIM]Chance): AIM-Blade) well counts me out, as Im not HC :O)
[23:35] (@[AIM]Chance): [TNG]De-Syn) heh
[23:36] (@[AIM]Chance): [AE]TaiOn) me going off....be back later bye!
[23:36] *** [LOST]Puppy is now known as [Fury]Ghengis
[23:36] *** |LOST|Direction is now known as AlbinoSqrl
[23:36] (@[AIM]Chance): [TNG]De-Syn) er
[23:36] (@[AIM]Chance): [TNG]De-Syn) ur wrong
[23:36] (@[AIM]Chance): [TNG]De-Syn) thats not the most priv chan
[23:36] (@[AIM]Chance): [TNG]De-Syn) VtS already got in
[23:36] (@[AIM]Chance): [UAC]Ree) lol

Along those lines ? ><
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Old 02-02-2003, 04:09   #88
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I dont want to be worse than you guys, so here comes Zhukovs guide to get into a enemy galaxy.. all you need is a /list command, a fake nick and a name of a xanadu member :)
Im "Grumpy" , this is before r7, and Im getting into a wenx gal.
This was the first step. (wex-server, #syrup channel)

Session Start: Wed May 01 01:00:44 2002
Session Ident: MidNight (~d@2B3A2604.1E706C24.2310808E.1654620B.nbtel.net)
<MidNight> hello who are you ?
<Grumpy> Im just a guy
<Grumpy> who heard from a xan friend about you guys
<MidNight> ahhh ok
<MidNight> Who was the friend ?
<Grumpy> markdirdir
<MidNight> ahh ok :)
<MidNight> Nice to meet you then
<Grumpy> tnx
<Grumpy> so what exactly is waffle?
<MidNight> if you dont mind me asking- what allaince are you in ?
<Grumpy> none
<Grumpy> Im going to be in a xan gal next round
<Grumpy> hello?
<MidNight> waffle's is a coalition of xan gals actuallly..
<Grumpy> okay.. and?
<MidNight> and if your looking for a gal, talk to zen or Dropt ;p
<Grumpy> I might have a gal already
<Grumpy> but Im looking for a alliance
<MidNight> if you joined us we would help you into any of the 4 allied allainces composing the gal
<Grumpy> okey
<Grumpy> so this is sort of a new bull thing?
<MidNight> No, we wont be half as boring
<MidNight> ;p j/k
<MidNight> sort of but built on different principles
<Grumpy> interesting
<Grumpy> plz tell :)
<MidNight> Well for one we wont be farming or anything like that... we want to promote the importance of every member and not really focus on 'he is leader follow him' we wont kick people for asking questions etc...
<MidNight> but we will be a hard hitting group of gals requiring laucnes at 6:55-9:55
<MidNight> everynight
<Grumpy> nice
<MidNight> We done really well this round as one gal.. but we lost bad when the war with fos started, xan could not supply us enough defense
<MidNight> so we decided to make a coalition of 3 gals, and try to space the allainces out more
<MidNight> meaning some people in nos, others in xan etc
<Grumpy> but the ones who doesnt belong to nos, xan and so on
<Grumpy> they will have problems getting defence
<MidNight> this round it took them sending me over 100k attackers before I lost any roids
<MidNight> and I was not that b ig over a month ago
<MidNight> only 11 mil and 2k roids
<Grumpy> more like the legion gods galaxies of r5 then
<MidNight> well lol hope to god that we get to be #1, certainly what we are working at
<MidNight> round 6 we stood as only one galaxy. round 7 we will be 3, so we should have better luck
<Grumpy> good thinking
<MidNight> we had a high roid-score ratio.. we took high losses at top galaxies to get max roids.. we are fearless weaffles
<Grumpy> hehe, lemming runs ahoy :P
<MidNight> Yes, but it worked;p
<MidNight> we have/had a waffle hall of fame for our dead gals we attacked or helped attack
<MidNight> I dont know if it is still around or not
<Grumpy> what is the waffle gals coords
<MidNight> heh 6:1
<MidNight> but-like I said, we got owned
Session Close: Wed May 01 01:52:34 2002

Old 02-02-2003, 04:29   #89
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*continuing on the same thingy, "skipped" a few tracks"..
This songs name is: Xan HC pays for my planet
(I gave the one I had to fatboydave)

Session Start: Sun May 26 17:42:05 2002
<Grumpy> lo
<dropt|afk> lo
<Grumpy> the gal password you gave me
<Grumpy> didnt work
<Grumpy> it says that the galaxy Im trying to move is full
<dropt|afk> hrrm
<dropt|afk> yes
<dropt|afk> we need to kick someone out
<dropt|afk> which gal are you trying to move to?
<Grumpy> @7-1gwFSEj --> this one
<Grumpy> what gal is that btw?
<dropt|afk> 4th
<dropt|afk> we might make a 5th gal
<Grumpy> who's set up to be GC of the 4th gal?
<dropt|afk> daemon
<Grumpy> k, I talked to one of those in the 4th gal, and he said there was still some places left in there (this was last night)
<Grumpy> so what should I do?
<dropt|afk> im making a 5th gal
<dropt|afk> lo?
<dropt|afk> around?
<Grumpy> yup
<Grumpy> just a bit busy watching some football on telli hehe
<dropt|afk> can you resignup and choose create new gal
<dropt|afk> ill pay for you
<dropt|afk> mark your old account for deletion
<Grumpy> ok
<Grumpy> but will we manage to fill it?
<Grumpy> Your User-id: 015295
<dropt|afk> yes
<dropt|afk> activated
<dropt|afk> get me the galpass
<Grumpy> hang on
<Grumpy> Galaxy Password: @wYmqJTRsQ
<Grumpy> Im afk for a while
<dropt|afk> k
Session Close: Sun May 26 21:13:02 2002

Old 02-02-2003, 13:04   #90
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Dime you got the one where ECA and Biggdogg(think it was him) were in the tuba channel actually arguing about needing defence, and they got Tuba's to send to some wee planet without even checking lol

It was sooooo funny, all the tuba's just rallied round and sent.

ECA done that alot

I had the log :(

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