Sigs plays Pa. A little diary.
Part 1.
It must have been faith or so, on a boring evening i ended up talking to Alf on Facebook after not speaking to him for years maybe and we were both wondering if IRC still excists. And if so, is there still PA? Or #legion? So that evening we stepped into the jungle of chitchat only to find out it indeed does. Entering the legionchannel was a step back in time and there we see this topic:
*** sigrid joined #legion
Welcome to Legion home of the old VtS || If you recieved an email from Willzzz please drop me a pm (Assman)
Topic set by Assassin on Mon Sep 29 2014 00:18:30 GMT+0200 (CEST)
Obviously, spammer and utterly curious as i am, I spam the guy with the scary nick:P Turns out on excatly THAT evening sign up began for round 59 (!) of PA. How is that for 'ment to be'?
Whatever happened after that is a bit of a black spot in my memory but before i realised it i had a planet. Now thats shock 1.
You have a planet but NO clue anymore. Some things seem to ring a bell but many buttons to click! So in preferences i looked for 'change skin' and took the oldest there was (round 23). Not even close to the ones i remember but at least it started to look vaguely familiair. I randomly started constructions I never heard of, did some research for things i never heard of, and build a light factory just in case ... and spend all the money i had before looking at the manual. When i finally did I ran into a nice quickstart page wich told me I did everything wrong and also how to do it correctly.
THANK GOD and HALLELUJA...there is a reset button!! So i started up my tiny little planet the right way. and I then joined Assassins alliance P3nguins.
Yeah I know...after Fury and Legion t doesnot sound all that scary...but they did win last round:P More about that later.
Let the game begin!!!
Tick 1!!
And this is where the changes come in Ladies and Gents. This PA is NOT our PA anymore. Its a LOT better. Obviously they realised that the old PA players now have families and an actuall life..... And thus they created a game where one still can play PA without looking like a zombie half way the round.
The first change is the start bonus. You make a planet, you get a bonus. simple. It brings you halfway all those long long researches and constructions and gives you enough resources to build a proper raiding fleet. I will discuss that fleet me, i have AMAZING news for you.
So basically, im set up. Time to spam my 20 player gal...only to find out it all gets shuffled into 10 payer gals. The set up is simple. you can sign up in a buddypack of 3 or 4. After tick somewhere-in300 the 4 man pack gets a 5th late starter, the 3 man BP 2 late starters. This can be an advantage later as you can end up with 12 instead of 11 in gal...but i may be doing a too-much-info thing now.
Anyways, after the land. I play random, so i land random. So shuffle has been done, you log in and look into your world for the next 1100 ticks...Hello PA!
to be continued
quote of the day:
07:31 montie I swear legion is raiding my gal lol...
07:38 montie you know things are up when grendel is incoming in your galaxy status
07:48 sigrid oh
07:49 sigrid thats me...
Last edited by sigrid; 12-11-2014 at 23:30.